OSCP 100% Pass
Just got my results from my OSCP Exam, i was able to root all 5 machines in the network in about 8 hours. I opted for the 3 months of lab time and was able to root most of the machines in all the networks. I used the forums extensively if i got stuck on a particular machine and it paid off very well. I highly suggest using the forums during the labs to facilitate the learning process. Before taking the PWK Course i had achieved my RHCE and Security+ as well as my CCNA. So i had a good foundation when entering the course but i feel that the bulk of the learning occurs in the labs and in doing OSCP like boxes on hack the box and vulnhub here is a list that if you complete you will get 100% on the OSCP. It's alot of boxes but from my test experience. Most hack the box machines are more difficult than the test machines. And each box had a pretty straight forward path during the test. Once a decent methodology is built up it shouldnt be difficult to identify the attack vectors. My Tips to pass are as follows.
- Watch Ippsec Videos
- Complete alot of the OSCP like VM’s
- Use Forums during the course
- Take minimum 2 months of lab time. 3 may be overkill.
- Put in the time.