Latortuga0x71 Blog

Python ConnectWise Script

Script that automates cleaning up old tickets in the connect wise manage ticketing system via their API. Didnt finish adding automation (while loop) cron job is another option.

``` python import json import requests import time

def get_individual_ticket(ticket_id): url = “{}“.format(ticket_id) payload = "" headers = { ‘Authorization’: “Basic insertkeyhere”, ‘cache-control’: “no-cache”,

response = requests.request("GET", url, data=payload, headers=headers)
response = response.json()
print('Ticket #:',response['id'])
print(' Date Created:',response['dateEntered'])
print(' Summary:',response['summary'],'\n','STATUS: ',response['status']['name'],'\n','LastUpdated: ',response['_info']['lastUpdated'],'\n','UpdatedBy:',response['_info']['updatedBy'])
    print(' Owner:',response['owner']['name'])
    print(' No Owner Assigned')

below works but you gotta make url in postman first querystrings not working for some reason use .format to add querystring in url string

def searching_for_ticket(querystring,Closed_or_Not,sort,results_num): global ticket_number_list ticket_number_list = [] payload = "" url = “ contains ’{}’ AND ClosedFlag = {} AND id > 840000&fields=id,name,status,summary,_info,owner&orderBy=id {}&pageSize={}“.format(querystring,Closed_or_Not,sort,results_num) headers = { ‘Authorization’: “Basic insertkeyhere”, ‘cache-control’: “no-cache”, } response = requests.request(“GET”, url, data=payload, headers=headers) response = response.json() for x in range(results_num): print(‘Ticket #:‘,response[x][‘id’]) ticket_number_list.append(str(response[x][‘id’])) print(’***************’) print(’ Summary:‘,response[x][‘summary’],‘\n’,‘STATUS: ‘,response[x][‘status’][‘name’],‘\n’,‘LastUpdated: ‘,response[x][‘_info’][‘lastUpdated’],‘\n’,‘UpdatedBy:‘,response[x][‘_info’][‘updatedBy’])

        print(' Owner:',response[x]['owner']['name'])
        print(' No Owner Assigned')
return print(ticket_number_list)

def Update_Ticket(ticket_id): # things to update are in the json dictionary # if the value is nested u can add distionary to value url = “{}“.format(ticket_id) json = [{‘op’:‘replace’, ‘path’:‘status’, ‘value’:{‘name’:‘Closed’}},{‘op’:‘replace’, ‘path’:‘summary’, ‘value’:‘Test Ticket![Closed By Bot]’}] headers = {‘Authorization’: “Basic insertkeyhere”,‘Content-Type’:‘application/json’, ‘Accept’:‘application/json’} resp = requests.patch(url, json=json, headers=headers) print(‘Updating Ticket…‘)


indivdual ticket function working perfect

ordering by id desc = newest to olders asc = oldest to newest

parameters contains => ‘string’, is open or not => bool, sort by => asc or desc , # of results 10 NEEDS TO BE INT NOT STRING


if name == “main”: get_individual_ticket(‘898283’) searching_for_ticket(‘Test Ticket’,‘False’,‘desc’,1) for x in ticket_number_list: Update_Ticket(x) get_individual_ticket(‘898283’)

above will return the list of tickets to change

example below


#get_individual_ticket(‘898283’) #time.sleep(5) #Update_Ticket(‘898283’) #time.sleep(5) #get_individual_ticket(‘898283’)

test ticket 898283

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